Hey wait, I was waiting for the most important thing about the Rocket logo, but then it turned out that you didn't mention it, which of course could mean that it's not actually the most important thing. But it's that when they retained the little halo thingy, they also changed it a bit so now it makes an R. I kind of like that, from a logo geekiness standpoint. Still recognizable, but now has a new/additional meaning.
Let me qualify that statement: remind me to not use PIA, unless, of course, PIA flies into Sanford and they're cheaper than Allegiant, in which case, who am I to judge?
Hey wait, I was waiting for the most important thing about the Rocket logo, but then it turned out that you didn't mention it, which of course could mean that it's not actually the most important thing. But it's that when they retained the little halo thingy, they also changed it a bit so now it makes an R. I kind of like that, from a logo geekiness standpoint. Still recognizable, but now has a new/additional meaning.
Oh my God how did I not catch that???????
It's okay. You were probably consumed with the brain-melting WTFness of PIA's imagery choices.
(Now that I think about it, "We're Coming Today" might not be my choice of copy, either. But hey, I'm not the expert here.)
First of all, wtf?! Remind me to not use PIA.
Second, how about a command verb like "ram," or "stuff"? In their absence, I'll choose "explode."
Let me qualify that statement: remind me to not use PIA, unless, of course, PIA flies into Sanford and they're cheaper than Allegiant, in which case, who am I to judge?
You just made me realize that I missed such an opportunity in my headline above. Let's assume I changed it to "Best Little LahoreHouse in Texas"
Lol. Done and done.
The documentary sounds good. Does it cover Helvetica bold?
Part 2.
Part 3: Italics arrives on Hulu in April.