Are you located on Cleve's east side? Just wondering...

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I lived in Cleveland Heights in the late 1990s...I'm in NYC now.

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Maybe I've bumped into you at the Grog Shop....

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Or at Que Tal for a burrito before the Grog Shop.

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"Someone else?!"

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That someone could be yourself, but you certainly don't need musk oil for that (or maybe you do, I don't know). So I wanted to clarify.

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I watched the musical...and want to get tickets for the longer version.

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I know what someone's getting for Chanukah!

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Susan, let me know what its like sitting at a Broadway musical next to someone drenched in Jovan.

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I assume it will arouse her basic animal desires...for dancing!

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You dirty bird. I see what you did.

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I'm not a great listener, so there's that. But also, that comma! For the love of God, that IS illegal!

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That is, illegal.

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"And, it's legal." Besides the inappropriate use of the comma, what the hell does that mean??? Versus what, exactly???

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It's actually brilliant. If I told you (and I'm telling you), that I have a new alcoholic beverage - let's call it Five Loqo - that fills your date with so much basic animal desire - that you better have a long-ass Barry White playlist, because it's going all night...and don't worry, it's legal! You'd likely think, "wait, why wouldn't it be legal? what are they putting in that?" And I'd say, "don't you worry about it. Just know, it's legal, and that Barry White playlist better have at least 15 songs on it, including the extended 12" remix of "Can't Get Enough of Your Love, Babe..." because you're going to need it. But there's nothing to worry about, legally speaking.

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