Couple of things. I knew a Klan member. We lived together for two years at Michigan. His name was...well, that's not important. But we were able to find common ground in our love of boxed treats and Krunchers. All good. See? We can all just get along, as long as we're willing to ignore the most heinous of human behaviours in the other person. FFE
Couple of things. I knew a Klan member. We lived together for two years at Michigan. His name was...well, that's not important. But we were able to find common ground in our love of boxed treats and Krunchers. All good. See? We can all just get along, as long as we're willing to ignore the most heinous of human behaviours in the other person. FFE
If you don't know who the klan member is in your college house, it's you. Unless it's someone else.